Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Trim It Up and Down

Dad & Mom
Originally uploaded by currtdawg
My Grandparents live in a big house out in the woods, and every year, they get a huge twelve-foot Christmas tree. Since it's such a big tree, decorating it every year is a family event. For me, it's almost as fun as Christmas morning.

Originally uploaded by currtdawg
The big tree-trimming party was Saturday night, only a couple hours after I flew into town.

Myra & Mom
Originally uploaded by currtdawg
Since it's such a big tree, it takes over an hour just to get the lights on. And when you have as many opinionated women as my family does, the lights have to be just right.

Grandpa & Logan
Originally uploaded by currtdawg
We don't have any basketball players in the family, so we have to get ladders and stools to reach the upper branches. My Grandpa is big on traditions, and he makes sure everyone hangs at least one ornament.

Christmas Tree
Originally uploaded by currtdawg
My grandparents have ornaments dating all the way back to the 1920s. It's wonderful to see everything come together. And exciting to think of all the gifts that will be underneath it on Christmas morning.

Christmas House
Originally uploaded by currtdawg
After we left my Grandparents' house, Mom, Dad, and I drove around looking at Christmas lights, including this very overwhelming display, which is the stuff of local legend. It runs nearly the entire block, and can probably be seen from space. Isn't it great when people get into the holidays?


Anonymous said...

What a very Kentucky Christmas you must be having! I'd invite you to Christmas party we're throwing this weekend, but who want to leave Kentucky to come back to Utah when you have a great Christmas Tree like that?

--Lawyer Ryan

Pete said...

It seems like you only see houses covered in lights like that in Kentucky!