Friday, August 25, 2006

All Kinds of Time

I was once again in class this week. This time it was a backflow prevention class. Backflow is basically when there is the possibility of contaminated water infecting clean water. The class was super-easy, and we got out early nearly every day. Our final test was this morning, and now I have the rest of the day off. Plus, our Commander gave all the deployers off next week. My only obligations are a pre-deployment folder review Monday afternoon, and my final out-processing appointment on Wednesday morning. I'll spend today doing some preliminary packing, to include washing my DCUs and cutting off all the little strings. It's tedious and frustrating, but it has to be done.
In other deployment news (which seems to dominate my life lately), I found out I can e-mail posts directly to my blog, which makes me very happy. There are a lot of sites blocked over there, and I'm not sure if Blogger is one of them. But now it doesn't really matter. I doubt I'll be able to post as often as I do here, and I probably won't be able to post pictures, but I will be able to post. The news just keeps getting better and better, right?

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