Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mostly Cloudy With A Chance Of Running Face-First Into A Tree

Originally uploaded by currtdawg
Finally, I got a chance to hit the slopes. Yesterday morning, a group of us went up to Piancavallo, a small resort only 30 minutes away. It was overcast in the valley, but we were hopeful the weather would be better up top. When we finally got to the summit, we were thrilled to see blue skies.

Originally uploaded by currtdawg
It's sad that such a nice area is so close, and it took me this long to finally ride there. Since it wasn't an Italian holiday, there weren't very many people on the mountain.

Originally uploaded by currtdawg
It's been pretty cold around here lately, so the snow was nice and powdery. Unfortunately, the clear weather didn't last long, and clouds began rolling in.

Corey, Dan, & Aaron
Originally uploaded by currtdawg
Dan wasn't exactly a very experienced boarder, and spend most of the day sliding down the mountain on his butt. We all still had a great time, though.

Originally uploaded by currtdawg
There were some really nice runs, and it wasn't too expensive, either. Despite the patches of dense fog, I felt really good about my day. Now, I can't wait to go again.

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