Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Two's Company

I found out not long after I moved into my house that my next-door neighbour is [name withheld to protect me from getting dooced]. He was stationed with me in Japan, and he's my superintendent here (my boss's boss). At first, I didn't think it was too big of a deal; that was until the other day when I was unpacking boxes upstairs. Suddenly, I hear him calling my name from my kitchen. It seems he hopped my fence and let himself in. If we were best friends, I wouldn't care, but I really don't know him that well. And when he said very condescendingly, "Just because I'm your boss doesn't mean we can't be friends," all I could think was, "Man! What an asshole!" Things got even more awkward when he found out I'm paying less rent than he for the exact same house. Since then, he has frequently yelled over the fence we share asking if I want to go for a drive or a hike. Luckily, I've always had something going on. I know he's just trying to be nice, but I can't help but feel uncomfortable around him. Mostly because he's very zealous about the Air Force and I'm...not. Maybe if I just relax and go for a drive with him, it won't be so bad. Tolerance is a valuable lesson, even when it comes out of nowhere.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Curt, I was also stationed with Jeff M in Aviano.. I lost touch with him and would really appreciate you passing on my contact info too him..
Thanks so much.