Sunday, March 23, 2008

Risen Spirits

Human Knot
Originally uploaded by currtdawg
Today is Easter, and after Church this morning, I didn't really feel like playing calcetto with everyone. I came back to my room to do some laundry and pack up a few things since I'll be moving out of billeting and into my house tomorrow or Tuesday. Mostly, I just felt like being alone. To be honest, I'm still feeling a little down and missing friends back in the States. Shaun has been a huge help to me, and I sometimes feel like a burden, even though I know he doesn't think so.
After they finished playing calcetto, Shaun called and asked if I wanted to head over to Tracy's house with them for Easter dinner. Again, I felt like just staying in my room, but for some reason, I ended up going. And I'm glad I did.

Human Knot
Originally uploaded by currtdawg
Before dinner, we chatted and did the human knot game, which I hadn't done since high school.

Easter Dinner
Originally uploaded by currtdawg
And dinner consisted of great home-cooked food, which I haven't had since I got here. Afterward, we played even more games like 21, Big Bootie, and King Elephant. It was consistent laughter for hours.
Thanks to Shaun for getting me to come. I definitely needed it.

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