Sunday, March 30, 2008

OMG! Where's Noah?

Thankfully, I had a minimum of stand-by calls this week. And most of the ones I had I was able to solve over the phone or with a brief visit. What's most annoying is when someone, usually a dorm resident, treats me like some kind of indentured servant. Case in point: I had a call tonight from a girl saying her dorm room was "flooded!" (I should probably include a few extra exclamation points for emphasis.) But when I arrived, I found only a small puddle on her bathroom floor. She said she hadn't done anything to cause it, but I've never seen any kind of bathroom fixture spontaneously leak without some kind of tampering. I mean, if your toilet is leaking, then don't keep flushing it thinking that will make it stop. I turned off her supply line to keep it from flooding further. Then she developed attitude when I deemed her situation a non-emergency and told her she'd have to wait until tomorrow morning for us to get parts. She wasn't happy when I left, but something I learned long ago is that her happiness isn't my business. Taking care of emergencies is.

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