Sunday, July 10, 2005

Stupid Human Tricks

This is what really annoys me: when I'm laying on my couch reading or watching TV or something, and I start to get really tired and I'm drifting off and I can barely keep my eyes open. So then, I think to myself, "Self, it's getting late and you're obviously tired, so maybe you should get your ass off the couch and go get in bed." But of couse, it's not that easy. I have to pry myself up, wash my face, brush my teeth, and floss before I get into bed, and in the course of all that, I kind of wake myself up again, so I just end up lying in bed for a long time trying to re-fall sleep. This happens all the time.
And it happened again tonight. I was so exhausted after getting perforated with an inked needle at a thousand times per second for three hours, and I was drifting off to dreamland on my couch while watching, Clue, the 1985 movie based on the Parker Brothers board game of the same name. So when I finally got into bed, after the washing and the brushing and the flossing, my mind started to wander.
I started thinking about pain, mostly because my new tattoo is understandably a little tender right now. But more specifically, I started thinking about the actual pain when I was getting the tattoo. For those of you who are inkless, tattoos hurt. I mean, it's not like you're screaming in agony or anything, but it certainly doesn't feel good. However, once it's all over, you sorta forget about the pain you went through, because you're so in awe of this beautiful artwork that is now permanently beneath the skin on your body.
From there, my mind started to wander to the pain of sin. It's weird how when we choose to sin, we don't think about the pain involved. We have a choice to make, but we only think about our selfish instant gratification and what is going to make us happy right then. We don't think about the consequences of our actions, much less the hurt we're inflicting on God, even though we know that every time we've chosen to sin in the past, it has brought us nothing but remorse, fear, emptiness, and pain.
Now, I want to be clear that I'm not comparing tattoos to sin, though I've heard many arguments that would say the two are similar. To me, our body is a temple and the tattoos are merely the stained glass windows. Anyway, I guess I'm going to finish watching my movie now. Since I've already washed and brushed and flossed, maybe I'll just sleep on the couch tonight.

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