Monday, July 11, 2005

Destination: Procrastination

Curty Mouse
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.
It's amazing what I'll do to avoid doing what I'm supposed to be doing.
Case in point: we're starting an exercise tomorrow, and the only thing I have to get accomplished today is getting my mobility bags packed and ready to go. While I was working on that, I got distracted by a box of stuff in the back of my closet which happened to contain my mouse ears from my September 2000 trip to Disneyland with Celia and Allison, two girls with whom I worked at Gap. Anyway, I started wearing my ears around and forgot they were on my head when I took some garbage to the dumpster across the way. I was wondering why my neighbours were looking at me funny. I didn't realise it until I came back inside and passed by the mirror in my living room.
Okay, back to bag preparation. I promise.

1 comment:

Homie said...

Think you should wear the ears everytime you take the trash out.