Friday, July 22, 2005

How do I spell relief? E-N-D-E-X!

A wonderful thing happened today: the exercise ENDEXed. Actually, it ENDEXed last night, but for some strange reason, we were kept in our gear all day long, and weren't even allowed to tear down camp until 5:00. Luckily, everyone was so eager to get out of there, it only took a couple hours to strike camp. And the added bonus is, they gave us tomorrow off. I figure it's only fair since we worked last Saturday.
Also, my friend Ryan Halligan is flying in tomorrow. He's PCSing to Hill, as well, and we'll be working in the same shop, much like we did in Misawa. It will be great to have a good friend at work.
Anyway, I'm about to starve, so I'm going to make myself an organic burrito and chill out for the rest of the evening.

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