Friday, March 25, 2005

A Little Deeper, Part 4: Same Sex Marriage

I know I've covered this multiple times (the biggest rant can be found in the archives dated February 20th, 2004), but there always seems to be more I want to say. I'm going to do my best to cover all the bases without repeating myself. For Biblical references, I'm using as a source a book called "Adventures In Missing the Point" by Brian McLaren & Tony Campolo. There are two main passages regarding homosexuality in the Bible. The first is in the Torah, specifically in Leviticus 18 & 20 and Deuteronomy 23. However, these passages are part of the "purity code," not the "moral code." The moral code is basically the Ten Commandments and is binding for all people at all times. The purity code, however, refers to such practices as wearing clothing made of different kinds of fabric and eating shellfish. The second passage is in 1 Corinthians 6:9, but even this is debatable. The Greek word, "arsenokoitai," has an ambiguous meaning. It was seldom used in ancient literature, so scholars can't pin down its meaning. Most agree it's another way of referring to general sexual immorality.
Jesus doesn't even mention homosexuality. Surely, he knew about it, yet nowhere does he condemn it. His biggest grievance is with judgemental religious types. He also specifically condemns the remarriage of divorced people - something accepted by most modern Christians.
As for making a law banning same sex marriage, well, I just think it's absurd. I wrote Monday about my beef with big government. We're supposed to be a free country, right? All men are created equal, right? So why do people feel the need to dictate who someone can or can't love? The government should have no say in what goes on between two consenting adults. And please don't mention the "moral decline" of our country. If you're concerned about sexual immorality, you don't need to look any farther than the average American straight married couple. A 2004 study in Psychology Today noted that infidelity occurs in 40 percent of marriages. And that by age 45, two out of every five men, and one out of every five women has had an affair.
And finally, I just want to add that banning same sex marriage is blatant discrimination. Some think that homosexuality is a choice, but I disagree. Who would choose to live a life that is mocked by so many people? Who would choose a lifestyle that could get you killed by people who hate you? Who would choose to have their choice of partner cut by 90 percent? I know what it's like to be hated and made fun of. And you know what? It's horrible. I would never wish for anyone to feel as though they are worthless, especially for something as beautiful as who they love.

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