Monday, March 21, 2005

Hitting the Fan

First off, let me just publicly apoligize to anyone who may have taken offense to the term "spineless piece of shit." I guess I thought most people realized the presence of explicit language implied humour. To clarify, any time I curse, it's ALWAYS for the greater humour. I would NEVER curse out of anger. It was just my sarcastic way to get people to post non-anonymously. Again, my apologies.
Second, as I predicted, I'm going to have to explain a few of yesterday's remarks. Now, I've been on both sides of the political spectrum, and I can see valid arguments for both. I guess my main point can be summed up like this: we have much more impotant things to spend our time, money, and manpower on than Iraq. I don't claim to be an authority on the will of God. All I know is to have no other gods before God, and to love everyone as I love myself. Am I simplifiying things too much? Maybe. But I find life is much more enjoyable and fulfilling when I don't have to worry about all the other BS. Jesus loves me. I love Him. There ya go.
And finally, due to the large amount of comments and e-mails concerning yesterday's post, I've decided to compose a little series this week at "the wax." (You see, I like comments and e-mails, even the ones telling me I'm stupid or narrow-minded or weak or going to hell. It just lets me know people are actually reading this.) I've never really intended for this to become a forum of hot political issues, but rather a window into my head. So this week's series, entitled, "A Little Deeper," will give everyone a chance to find out why I am the way I am. I haven't just picked all my opinions out of thin air. They've been emerging, developing, and evolving through my experiences for the past 30 years. I'm going to devote each day to a different social issue and give my opinions and reasons for why I feel the way I do about them. As I said, I welcome all comments and e-mails, good and bad. You're probably not going to change my mind, but I always enjoy hearing what people have to say anyway. So tune in tomorrow to "A Little Deeper." Take care. No worries. God Bless.

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