Monday, March 14, 2005

All Night Long

Last night, Caleb and I went down to SLC to catch Tegan and Sara at this great venue called the Lo-Fi Cafe. An old-timey jazz band called The Ditty Bops opened and they were quite fun. In between sets, I purchased the Ditty Bops' CD and they both signed it for me, so I was pretty excited. Tegan and Sara were spectacular. The sound was great, and Caleb, who had never even heard of them before, was really impressed. I look forward to seeing them again when they open for The Killers in May. Here's a shot from my cell phone camera:

Tegan & Sara Show
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.

After the show, we went back to Caleb's house to join part two of Phil's birthday party. (Part one was Friday night at Phil's house.) There were tons of people there, many of whom I'd never met before. Here's a shot of the birthday boy and Krystal:

Phil & Krystal
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.

All in all, there are eight Wendt siblings: four that live in the main house, three that don't live in the area, and the other one is Nate, who lives just down the street from Thaddeus, Caleb, Josh, and Sam. Here's a shot of Nate and Caleb:

Nate & Caleb
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.

This is just a random shot of people in the kitchen. Parties at the Wendt home are always fun, but one of the strange things is how the kitchen seems to be the social center of the house. The living room is full of comfortable couches and chairs and is only a few feet away, but for some reason, people always end up hanging out in the kitchen.

So, yeah, it was definitely a fun Saturday night. I made a mix CD of party music and occassionally got a few people to dance with me in the living room. Other highlights included Sarah unable to stop talking, Heidi's Sponge-Bob pasties, Kevin hitting the ground really hard...twice, lots of outdoor peeing, and a 4 AM trip to Beto's, an all-night burrito place. I didn't get home until nearly 6 AM, so I kinda slept through Church today. Oops.

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