Thursday, March 31, 2005

I need a bigger hat.

It's strange how God can show you things you'd never be able to see on your own, especially when they're about you. Case in point: I was picking up groceries last night, and as I was waiting at the checkout, I could hear the conversation of the people in the next isle. They were obviously Mormon, as they were talking about temple and how one of them just got back from his mission to Wales and other Mormony things. All I could think was, "These people are so pathetic. I can't believe they really think they're doing the Lord's work. Wake up!"
When I was walking out to my car, I was overcome by this overwhelming sense of shame. How could I be so smug? God doesn't love these people any less than He loves me. I know we should do our best to love everyone and spread His word, but a holier-than-thou attitude is the last route we should take. Pride has a way of sneaking up on you. It does the most damage, and it hurts the worst.

Monday, March 28, 2005

He Is Risen!

Originally uploaded by currtdawg.
Happy Easter! I went to Church this morning with Thaddeus, Ashley, Sam, and Heidi. There was an excellent sermon about how crucial the resurrection is to our faith.
Afterward, we went to Nate and Natsuko's house for dinner. This is their son, Jake, hunting Easter Eggs. And yes, Natsuko is from Japan. Whenever I go to their house, we always have a good time talking about cool Japanese things.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Snow Capped

Mt. Ogden
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.
It's been raining all week long, so things have been rather dreary around here. Today, however, the clouds parted to reveal beautiful, snow-covered mountains. I'm hoping to get up there for some serious boarding this weekend. It's absolutely gorgeous.

A Little Deeper, Part 5: Abortion

This is the post that's going to redeem me to all the extremely fundamental, right-wingers (what my friend Mike refers to as "Shiite Baptists"). Abortion has been legal since 1973, and in my opinion, this is a travesty. I have two main problems with abortion. The first, and most obvious, is the loss of an innocent life. Some might say, "It's not like the fetus is actually alive." Saying life doesn't begin until birth is ignorant and naive. Others might say, "Well, the child would have been better off not being born anyway." But you won't even give it a chance? And what about adoption? And still others say, "If she can't get it legally, then the woman will just get one illegally, which can be extremely unsafe." This is beside the point. Does that mean we should legalize heroin so less people will die from overdoses?
The second major problem I have is that it just seems so irresponsible. "Yeah, so I got knocked up. No big deal. I'll just head down to the clinic tomorrow and take care of it. And then, on the way home, I'll pick up those new blue satin pumps I've had my eye on." I realize most women probably aren't this cavalier about getting an abortion. But if they're experiencing such severe hesitation, then maybe they shouldn't consider such an irreversible course of action.
I guess the biggest argument pro-choice-ers use when debating Christians is that Jesus doesn't say anything directly about abortion. However, what He does say is that we should love our neighbour as ourselves. And, I would think a woman's unborn baby would rank a little higher than her neighbour.
From a legislative point of view, it can be argued that the people who pass laws and sit on courts are primarily male, and therefore should have no say in what a woman does with her body. But these people are elected officials, and are there to represent all people, male and female.
The bottom line is that abortion is taking the life of a child. A child that won't have a chance to laugh. A child that won't ever grow old with the person he or she loves. A child that can't ever be brought back to life.

So anyway, this concludes "A Little Deeper." I realize not everyone agreed with all or maybe any of my points of view. Please understand it wasn't my intention to anger or offend anyone. This was a glimpse into my brain and how I've come to develop certain perspectives. I just hope we can all agree to disagree. Thanks for your time.

Friday, March 25, 2005

A Little Deeper, Part 4: Same Sex Marriage

I know I've covered this multiple times (the biggest rant can be found in the archives dated February 20th, 2004), but there always seems to be more I want to say. I'm going to do my best to cover all the bases without repeating myself. For Biblical references, I'm using as a source a book called "Adventures In Missing the Point" by Brian McLaren & Tony Campolo. There are two main passages regarding homosexuality in the Bible. The first is in the Torah, specifically in Leviticus 18 & 20 and Deuteronomy 23. However, these passages are part of the "purity code," not the "moral code." The moral code is basically the Ten Commandments and is binding for all people at all times. The purity code, however, refers to such practices as wearing clothing made of different kinds of fabric and eating shellfish. The second passage is in 1 Corinthians 6:9, but even this is debatable. The Greek word, "arsenokoitai," has an ambiguous meaning. It was seldom used in ancient literature, so scholars can't pin down its meaning. Most agree it's another way of referring to general sexual immorality.
Jesus doesn't even mention homosexuality. Surely, he knew about it, yet nowhere does he condemn it. His biggest grievance is with judgemental religious types. He also specifically condemns the remarriage of divorced people - something accepted by most modern Christians.
As for making a law banning same sex marriage, well, I just think it's absurd. I wrote Monday about my beef with big government. We're supposed to be a free country, right? All men are created equal, right? So why do people feel the need to dictate who someone can or can't love? The government should have no say in what goes on between two consenting adults. And please don't mention the "moral decline" of our country. If you're concerned about sexual immorality, you don't need to look any farther than the average American straight married couple. A 2004 study in Psychology Today noted that infidelity occurs in 40 percent of marriages. And that by age 45, two out of every five men, and one out of every five women has had an affair.
And finally, I just want to add that banning same sex marriage is blatant discrimination. Some think that homosexuality is a choice, but I disagree. Who would choose to live a life that is mocked by so many people? Who would choose a lifestyle that could get you killed by people who hate you? Who would choose to have their choice of partner cut by 90 percent? I know what it's like to be hated and made fun of. And you know what? It's horrible. I would never wish for anyone to feel as though they are worthless, especially for something as beautiful as who they love.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

A Little Deeper, Part 3: Capital Punishment

Abs and I have had several discussions about this, and we've pretty much just agreed to disagree. In the Declaration of Independence, it is written that all Americans are granted certain unalienable rights, among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness (or possessions, if you're reading the earliest draft). Many believe that if you take the life of another, then you give up that right. The phrase "eye for eye, tooth for tooth" is repeated three times in the Old Testament (Exodus 21, Leviticus 24, and Deuteronomy 19). The New Testament variance of this is when Jesus says, during his Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:38, "You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.' But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also."
Other arguments include:
1) the costs of execution (including several appeals cases) vs. costs of imprisonment
2) putting one out of his misery with a "humane" death vs. cruel and unusual punishment (a violation of the 8th amendment)
3) whether or not capital punishment deters crime
Each of these can be argued both ways, so I'm not even going to waste my time.
My biggest problem with the death penalty is that it's basically saying two wrongs make a right. Taking someone's life is basically playing God, whether it be cold-blooded murder or in a gas chamber. There's also the issue of executing an innocent man, and it's not like they get another chance. A 1987 study at Standford University cited at least 23 Americans that have been wrongly executed in the 20th century. If I had to be the person to pull the switch, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

A Little Deeper, Part 2: Euthanasia

With the case of Terri Schiavo so prevalent in the news, euthanasia has definitely been a hot topic as of late. I don't really see anything wrong with someone creating what is commonly referred to as a "living will." (I have an appointment with the legal office next week to go over my current will and start a living will, if necessary.) I guess where the controversy begins is in cases like Terri's, which are hardly unique. There is no living will, and her husband and her parents have opposing views concerning what to do. There are so many different facets to this issue. For one, apparently there is a difference between being "brain dead" and being in a "persistently vegetative state" (PVS). Brain death is the irreversible loss of all brain functions. PVS is when the patient has lost cognitive neurological function and awareness of the environment, but retain noncognitive function and a perserved sleep-wake cycle. Terri falls into the latter.
For most conservative Christians, pulling the plug in any case would fall under the category of murder. The Bible doesn't really say much on the subject, since modern medical marvels weren't really around 2,000 years ago. The only passage that comes to mind for me is John 10:10b when Jesus says, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." As in any issue, one must find balance. If I were brain dead, in a persistently vegetative state, or in any way cannot live the remainder of my life to the full, I hope my parents or my spouse or whomever would make the call to just let me be at peace. Of course, take the doctor's recommendation into consideration, as well. But if I'm inanimate and have a very slim to no chance of recovery, just save yourself the anguish, and let me go. It will save money, provide an open hospital bed, and perhaps my organs could be used for someone young and vibrant and full of life, life to the full.
As for Terri's case, that's a tough one. One one hand, she and her husband were estranged when she fell into her condition. On the other hand, he is her legal guardian. Her parents believe Terri would have wanted to be kept on the feeding tube, but her husband says differently. Her parents have offered to pay all medical expenses if she is kept alive, but to me, that almost sounds like they're trying to buy her life. All court appointed physicians have said they don't expect Terri to ever recover. Whatever the courts decide, my heart goes out to their family, not only for having to endure this, but because of the political and media fiasco it has turned into.
There are also instances concerning terminally ill patients who wish to die to save themselves the pain of a long, agonizing descent. To be honest, I'm not really familiar with many of these cases, so I can't really form an opinion. However, if I were dying of some horrible disease, my guess is that I would hold on as long as the good outweighed the bad. If I could still talk to my friends and family, enjoy a film or album, or smile and laugh without thinking about how bad it hurt, then keep me around. But if it got so bad that I couldn't appreciate those things any longer, then I'll see you all in heaven.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

A Little Deeper, Part 1: Church - State Relations

I was going to save this topic for Part 5 on Friday, but I think it would be better to put it first to form a better basis for the remaining topics. Separation of Church and State has become a big topic in recent months with the issues of courthouse monuments bearing the 10 Commandments and "faith-based initiatives." In reality, the phrase "separation of Church and State" was never even mentioned in the First Amendment. It actually reads, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." As for the Constitution, there are two ways to look at it: 1) it was founded on Biblical principles and it was the intention of the authors for this to be a Christian nation, or 2) it was written to give all the power and authority to the wealthy, white, land-owners. My guess is that it was somewhere inbetween the two.
When our forefathers came to this country, they wanted freedom from the overbearing Church of England. They wanted freedom of religion, and if that meant freedom from religion, then so be it. Regardless, they sure like to mention God a lot. Even today, the words "In God We Trust" are written on every piece of American currency. However, nothing is ever written about Jesus. The God mentioned so often in the founders' documents may very well be God, Jehovah, the God of the Hebrews, the heavenly father of Jesus, but then why were they so ambiguous? Obviously, I've never met George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, so I can't be sure what their intentions were.
From a Christian standpoint, I think God would prefer the government to keep their hands off His Church. I mean, He gave us free will for a reason. It can't exactly be free if our government, which guarantees equality for all men and women, is trying to shove a particular faith down our throat. Plus, if a certain faith were promoted, people would just rebel against it more. Jesus, when confronted by the pharisees about paying taxes, replied, "...give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." (You can read the story in Luke 20:20-26) I think that was his shrewd, witty way of saying the two could never have a complete partnership with each other.
I don't like big government. I think the government should stick to collecting taxes (which I'm happy to pay) and passing legitimate laws (which I'm happy to obey); but keep them out of my personal life. Religion is the most personal thing a man can have, and I don't want leaders to have the ability to take away aspects of that from my life. I love my God and I love my country, but if they ever have to compete, Uncle Sam doesn't stand a chance.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Hitting the Fan

First off, let me just publicly apoligize to anyone who may have taken offense to the term "spineless piece of shit." I guess I thought most people realized the presence of explicit language implied humour. To clarify, any time I curse, it's ALWAYS for the greater humour. I would NEVER curse out of anger. It was just my sarcastic way to get people to post non-anonymously. Again, my apologies.
Second, as I predicted, I'm going to have to explain a few of yesterday's remarks. Now, I've been on both sides of the political spectrum, and I can see valid arguments for both. I guess my main point can be summed up like this: we have much more impotant things to spend our time, money, and manpower on than Iraq. I don't claim to be an authority on the will of God. All I know is to have no other gods before God, and to love everyone as I love myself. Am I simplifiying things too much? Maybe. But I find life is much more enjoyable and fulfilling when I don't have to worry about all the other BS. Jesus loves me. I love Him. There ya go.
And finally, due to the large amount of comments and e-mails concerning yesterday's post, I've decided to compose a little series this week at "the wax." (You see, I like comments and e-mails, even the ones telling me I'm stupid or narrow-minded or weak or going to hell. It just lets me know people are actually reading this.) I've never really intended for this to become a forum of hot political issues, but rather a window into my head. So this week's series, entitled, "A Little Deeper," will give everyone a chance to find out why I am the way I am. I haven't just picked all my opinions out of thin air. They've been emerging, developing, and evolving through my experiences for the past 30 years. I'm going to devote each day to a different social issue and give my opinions and reasons for why I feel the way I do about them. As I said, I welcome all comments and e-mails, good and bad. You're probably not going to change my mind, but I always enjoy hearing what people have to say anyway. So tune in tomorrow to "A Little Deeper." Take care. No worries. God Bless.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Love and War and Peace (...but mostly Love)

It's been two years since we invaded Iraq. At the time, I was deployed to Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, which was basically the main command center from where the war was directed. I've made no secret of my opposition to this war or my lack of faith in the leadership of our country. I've been challenged by several people concerning my points of view, so I figured I would just lay it all out here.
I guess my main point is that we are to follow the example of Jesus. Jesus was God incarnate, and was sent to the Earth, not only as a sacrifice, but also to serve as an example of a perfect life. Sure, there are tons of examples of a vengeful God of war in the Old Testament, but when Christ came, all that changed. "Blessed are the peacemakers," He said in the Sermon on the Mount. He instructed further on the evils of murder, hatred, and revenge. In the Garden, He told Peter, "...for all who draw the sword will die by the sword." Even when being persecuted, tortured, and murdered, Jesus did nothing but ask the Father to forgive them. Later in the New Testament, Peter and Paul both speak on repaying evil with good.
I know there are many that will say indifference to evil is even worse, but I don't think that applies in this case. There are too many countries in far worse shape than Iraq ever was. Genocides abound in Sudan, The Ivory Coast, India, and several other coutries. Unfortunately for them, their chief export isn't oil. I also understand that less than two months ago, Iraq held its first elections in decades, and I'm not saying that's not a good thing. But in this case, the ends don't justify the means. I've never met George Bush, and I don't pretend to know his heart, but if he got us into this war for personal gains, many of which he is enjoying in his second term, I seriously doubt God will bless him for that, even if God chooses to bless the Iraqi people. And I'm just assuming that imposing democracy on Iraq is blessing them. There's also the possibility that Iraq doesn't really want to be a democratic state. We just think it would be best for them because that's how we do things here in America and hey - it sure seems to be working out okay for us. Don't get me wrong. America is a great country. Why else would hundreds of thousands of people immigrate here each year? But when you have as much power and money as we do, there's bound to be tons of problems that come with it.
Anyway, I feel like I'm digressing into different territory, so I'm going to bring this to an end. I'm not a very intelligent guy, and I don't know much about politics, and even less about the mysteries of God. I just hope we can look back on all this in twenty years or so and learn from it. Whether the end result is good or bad, I'm just praying we won't make the same mistakes twice. I'm sure some will find holes in my reasoning (it's late and I'm tired and after I read this tomorrow morning, I may have to add a few things to clarify), and you're more than welcome to post your thoughts. But please don't be a spineless piece of shit and post anonymously. If you really want, you can grow a pair and e-mail me directly.
One final thought: Jesus was perfect love. I, personally, can't picture Jesus charging into any kind of battle for any reason, especially pre-emptively. I know God has a plan for the world, and I look forward to seeing how things are going to turn out.

Saturday, March 19, 2005


So. Much. Crap.
I spent 12 hours today unpacking all my stuff, and I've barely made a dent. I'm going to be working on this for weeks. And I have no clue where to put half of this stuff. If I don't know where to put it, it just goes in the second bedroom for now, with the hopes and intentions it will find its way to its proper spot eventually. I was kinda wanting to have a house warming party next weekend, but I don't think that's going to happen. Maybe sometime in 2009.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Green Day

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
Tonight, Caleb, Summer, Josh, Sarah, and I went to eat pizza. I know that doesn't sound very Irish; however, they had Guiness on tap, so that more than made up for it. Afterward, we all just hung out at the Wendt house. I stayed out extra late because I'm finally getting my household goods delivered tomorrow, so I don't have to get up for PT or work. I just have to be home when the movers come with all my stuff (somewhere between 8 AM and 5 PM). Then, I'll pretty much spend the rest of the weekend putting everything in its right place. Actually, it will probably take closer to a couple weeks. I'm really not even that excited about all my stuff. I'm so used to just having the basics, I've grown to not even need all the extras. Oh, well. I'm sure my spoiled little butt will get used to having it all around soon enough. It's stupid of me to think that having a closet full of clothes, a bed, a computer, etc. is "the basics." Even when I'm not spoiled, I'm still spoiled.

Thursday, March 17, 2005


As I was leaving base today, I saw a pickup truck with a bunch of bumper stickers on the back. Two, in particular, caught my eye. The first one read, "Peace Through Superior Firepower." The one right next to it said, "What Would Jesus Do?" Well, buddy, you can bet Jesus wouldn't have bombed the living shit out of an entire country in the name of "peace."

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

A few things that have made me smile in the past few days:

-As I previously mentioned, I went to see "Sideways" Thursday night. Here's what I thought was really peculiar: they showed the trailer for the new Ashton Kutcher / Bernie Mac film...before "Sideways." Does that seem odd to anyone else? People who go to films like "Sideways" could give a rat's ass about any film featuring Ashton Kutcher.
-Have I ever mentioned how much I like lesbians? And I don't mean this in a sexual way, either. Every lesbian I've ever met has been so cool. They always treat people with kindness and respect, and they always have a great sense of humour. At the Tegan and Sara show, the ratio of lesbians to non-lesbians was very high, and it was such a cool atmosphere.
-Speaking of lesbians, a court in California overturned the ban on same sex marriages today. Right on! I just wonder when the rest of the country is going to catch up. It's only a matter of time. Come on, Kentucky! Live in the now!
-There was a headline in last week's issue of "The Onion" that read, "Bush Announces Iraq Exit Strategy: 'We'll Go Through Iran.'" Funny stuff.
-I got a Platinum Card in the mail today. I've had credit cards before, but never a Platinum Card. I feel so successful.
-My daily e-mail conversations with Abby are priceless. We don't even really talk about that much, but I wouldn't trade them for anything.
-I found a Cold Stone while I was driving down the road the other day, so Saturday afternoon, I stopped and got some ice cream. There was one in Vegas that we used to hit up every Sunday night after Church. I don't know if any of you have ever had ice cream from Cold Stone before, but it's the best! And they'll mix in whatever you want. I chose cheese cake ice cream. So the little guy behind the counter scoops it up and slaps it onto a big marble slab. Then I chose strawberries. So he took a big spoonful of strawberries and mixed them into the ice cream, then scooped it all into a big waffle cone. Drool.
-I love my bed. Since I partied all night Saturday night, I pretty much spent all day Sunday in bed. It's so comfortable to just lay in and move around and get all warm and stuff. Sometimes it's good to be a little lazy.

Monday, March 14, 2005

All Night Long

Last night, Caleb and I went down to SLC to catch Tegan and Sara at this great venue called the Lo-Fi Cafe. An old-timey jazz band called The Ditty Bops opened and they were quite fun. In between sets, I purchased the Ditty Bops' CD and they both signed it for me, so I was pretty excited. Tegan and Sara were spectacular. The sound was great, and Caleb, who had never even heard of them before, was really impressed. I look forward to seeing them again when they open for The Killers in May. Here's a shot from my cell phone camera:

Tegan & Sara Show
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.

After the show, we went back to Caleb's house to join part two of Phil's birthday party. (Part one was Friday night at Phil's house.) There were tons of people there, many of whom I'd never met before. Here's a shot of the birthday boy and Krystal:

Phil & Krystal
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.

All in all, there are eight Wendt siblings: four that live in the main house, three that don't live in the area, and the other one is Nate, who lives just down the street from Thaddeus, Caleb, Josh, and Sam. Here's a shot of Nate and Caleb:

Nate & Caleb
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.

This is just a random shot of people in the kitchen. Parties at the Wendt home are always fun, but one of the strange things is how the kitchen seems to be the social center of the house. The living room is full of comfortable couches and chairs and is only a few feet away, but for some reason, people always end up hanging out in the kitchen.

So, yeah, it was definitely a fun Saturday night. I made a mix CD of party music and occassionally got a few people to dance with me in the living room. Other highlights included Sarah unable to stop talking, Heidi's Sponge-Bob pasties, Kevin hitting the ground really hard...twice, lots of outdoor peeing, and a 4 AM trip to Beto's, an all-night burrito place. I didn't get home until nearly 6 AM, so I kinda slept through Church today. Oops.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Take this job and shove it.

The Hill Air Force Base newspaper, "The Hilltop Times," has a feature each week where a writer goes around to random people on base and asks them a question such as, "What would you like to see at the base theatre?" or "If you could cross train to any job in the Air Force, what would it be?" This week's question was, "What on base annoys you the most?" and I was one of the lucky people who happened to cross the path of a writer in search of answers to this question. The only answer I could think of was that I wished the gym was open 24/7 because I like to work out before I go into work, but the gym isn't open early enough. She took my picture and went on her way. I'd kind of forgotten about it, until my shop chief called me into his office today and lectured me on how it doesn't reflect well on me, the shop, or the squadron when one of our own has complaints printed in the newspaper, and I should think twice when confronted with such a question. He also informed me that due to Hill's high ops tempo, a 24 hour gym was simply not feasible. I nodded and blinked and quietly left his office when he was done talking. Here's what I should have said:
"That's bullshit. First of all, she asked what annoyed me. She didn't ask why I thought the base was all lollipops and rainbows. Second, did you see some of the other comments? Mine was a mere suggestion. One guy complained about the noise of the planes...on an Air Force base! Plus, this girl was from Public Affairs. Everything they print goes through the base commander, and if she doesn't have a problem with it, why should anyone else? And finally, saying a 24 hour gym isn't reasonable is ridiculous. Misawa had just as high an ops tempo as Hill, and their gym was always open. People around here just don't have any time management skills."
In other work news, I went to Krispy Kreme last night after the movie and bought a dozen glazed and a dozen assorted specifically to take to the shop this morning. I didn't have any reason. I just thought it would be a good way to show my co-workers what a cool guy I am. So I walk in this morning with the two boxes of donuts and set them on the counter in the break room. Here are the comments I heard:
"Man, what are you trying to do - make us all fat?"
"What? You didn't get any blueberry filled?"
"Krispy Kreme donuts are too sweet. Dunkin' Donuts are so much better."
Here's what I should have said:
"Fuck all ya'll. Nobody's forcing you to eat these donuts. I just thought I would do something nice out of the kindness of my heart. I guess that will teach me."
Where did I learn to keep my big mouth shut, and why do I always obey that instinct? I may never know. I seriously need to grow a pair.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Just a dog? -or- Zed's dead. -or- Did you drink and dial?

I love the feeling you have after you've just seen a really great film. It's happened to me three times this week:
Monday night, I saw "Finding Neverland." Sure, it was a little bit sappy in parts, but Johnny Depp was amazing and the whole theme about the power and value of imagination really got to me.
Last night, I took "Pulp Fiction" over to the Wendt home because, and I still have a hard time believing this, neither Caleb nor Josh had ever seen it. After we watched it, they agreed it was one of the best films EVER. The timing on this film was perfect. It totally pioneered independent cinema and prompted so many movie geeks to pick up their video cameras and go with it. Plus, I remembered a line I've always liked that goes, "It's unfortunate that what we find pleasing to the eye and pleasing to the touch are seldom the same."
Tonight, I went to see "Sideways" for the second time, and it was just as good as it was the first time. Paul Giamatti was spectacular. You can just see how frustrated his character is with himself, his friend, and his life. Virginia Madsen emits a sly sexuality. And the humour is so heartbreaking.
I love movies. If I had a creative bone in my body, I'd grow a pair and go off to flim school.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


Today is the day little Roxy came into the world. I know Paul and Trish have been anticipating this day for a long time. Though I could never fathom all the sorrow and pain they have gone through, you can bet I shed a few tears of joy when Paul called me last night and shouted, "Uncle Curtis!" Congratulations, Dinkins Family. I love you guys.

Killing Time

So, things are just kind of...moving along, I guess. I feel as though time is just steadily elapsing, and I'm watching it go by. Sure, there are a few things here and there that bring excitement or drama, but they seem to be occurring less frequently. PCSd. Drove to Vegas. Wedding in Alabama. The next major thing coming up is my class in Texas, but that's not for another month. What am I supposed to do until then?
Work might be the problem. I still don't feel like I fit in there. I don't really look forward to going. The highlight of my day is going for a run.
Then again, maybe my social life is the problem. I don't really have a ton of friends here. I hang out with Caleb and his brothers once or twice a week, but I'm used to having some kind of social interaction, like, five or six times a week. I thought about going to the single's group at the Chapel tonight, but I desperately needed to go grocery shopping, and it was too late by the time I got done. Maybe I'll hit up the single's Sunday school class at the Church I've been attending.
I'm not really down. Just kinda numb and slightly unmotivated. I don't think it's anything having to do with my relationship with God. Maybe He's getting something ready for me, and this is just the calm before the storm. Maybe I should be enjoying this time of rest. (Trish is in labor as I write, so her and Paul's time of rest is definitely over.) My faith is as strong as it's ever been. In fact, the other day, I was running and I had to slow down because I was almost laughing when I started thinking about the strange ways that God works things out. I think I might have shed a tear or two, but it could have just been sweat.
I'm definitely looking forward to upcoming events. Tegan and Sara concert this weekend. Possibly snowboarding, too. St. Patrick's Day. Driving to Texas for my class. Seeing Jay while I'm there. Vegas again in May. My brother's wedding in June. I'm just going to concentrate on these things, instead of the lack of activity I'm experiencing now.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Nutty Nuptuals

The wedding went off without a hitch. It was a simple, charming ceremony followed by a fun reception. Here are a few pictures, the second of which includes Lee, a friend of Brad's who is probably one of the nicest guys I've ever met:

Studs in Tuxes
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.

Me, Brad, & Lee
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.

Before I got here, the only person I knew was Brad. But everyone in the family, wedding party, etc., was so nice, and they all made sure I was having a good time. After the reception, several of us went to a real, actual, genuine honky tonk bar called Mr. Norm's...that played serious country music...where people can still smoke...and I had to drink Bud Light, a beer I haven't tasted since high school. The kicker is that it was located in a strip mall. It's easy to make fun of, but damn, it was fun. Here's me and Jill, one of Kristy's bridesmaids, sitting at our table enjoying our Bud Lights.

Me & Jill
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.

One more funny story: now, I understand people from different regions of the country have accents. In particular, people from the South have southern accents. But nothing...NOTHING is as thick as the accent in Alabama. Case in point: Kristy's Mom's name is Dorris. Until a few moments ago, I thought her name was Darcy, and they just called her Darce for short. Think about it.
And so, in conclusion, the past few days in Alabama have been interesting and fun. In a way, it kinda reminded me of what it was like growing up in a small town. Special thanks to Brad for giving me the honor of being his best man. Congratulations and best wishes to you and Kristy.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Unsuccessfully avoiding title referring to Lynrd Skynrd song or Reese Witherspoon movie

I'm currently in Alabama for Brad's wedding. I've spent the past two days meeting tons of new people. Pretty much everyone is from Alabama...except me. They all have that "Southern Hospitality" thing going on, which is great; but you can also tell very few of them have ever left the area. For instance, we had the rehearsal last night, followed by a barbecue restaurant. A plate was set before me, so I quietly ate my bread and potato salad, avoiding the chicken, and tried my best to keep a low profile. But this is how it went down:

Waitress: You want a to-go box for that, sugar?
Currt-Dawg: No, thank you.
W: Was there somethin' wrong?
CD: No, it was fine.
W: Did it taste bad?
CD: No, ma'am.
W: And you don't want a to-go box?
CD: No, ma'am.
W: Are you sure?
CD: Yes, ma'am.
W: But, aren't you hungry?
CD: No, ma'am, I'm fine.
W: Are you sure?
CD: Yes, ma'am.
W: Is there anything else I can get you, honey?
CD: No, thank you.
W: Well, why not?
CD: Um, well, I don't eat meat.
W: [blink] [blink]

Yeah, the South is definitely a very special slice of Americana.
Anyway, the wedding takes place at 4:00 this afternoon, but we have to be at the Church for pictures at noon. For those of you who failed 2nd grade math, that's 4 HOURS EARLY! Oh, well. This is Brad and Kristy's wedding. I'm the best man, so I'm gonna do whatever I have to do to make things go smoothly. And if that means standing there for hours and hours smiling until my cheeks hurt, then I'll do it.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Sugar High

Tomorrow, I fly to Alabama for Brad's wedding. I went ahead and started my leave today, just because I like to have time to prepare. I spent the afternoon cleaning, doing laundry, and packing. I was finished by about 5 PM, so I decided to head over to Barnes & Noble and chill out with a book for a while. So, you know that smell when you walk into a Barnes & Noble? The smell of new books mixed with Starbucks? Yeah, I have a minor addiction to that smell. So I walked in, picked out a book, and made a bee-line for the Starbucks counter. I ordered a grande caramel Frappucino AND a piece of chocolate mousse cheesecake. And the little bugger behind the counter asks me if I'd like to go ahead and get a venti for only fifty cents more. And because I have absolutely NO will power whatsoever, I go ahead and get a venti for only fifty cents more. I sat with my cheesecake and Frappucino, and tried so very hard to read, but the chocolate and sugar and caffiene took effect pretty quick, and I couldn't keep my eyes from wandering around the store. So I came back home, rearranged the two pieces of furniture in my living room about 27 times, made some phone calls, sorted my shoes by purpose (dress, casual, athletic, clog, sandal, etc.) and colour, clipped my toenails, refolded all my sweaters, and took a shower. It is now nearly 11 PM. In order to make it to the airport in time for my flight, I have to wake up at 4 AM tomorrow, but that's irrelevent. I don't think I'm going to sleep for the next 4 1/2 days.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

My mom says I'm a hyper-hypo.

Dear Upstairs Neighbours,
You see, the way it works is, your floor is my ceiling. Therefore, when your three little hellions run full sprint from one end of the apartment to the other, it sounds like an 8.3 earthquake is going to take down the whole building. Now, don't get me wrong. I appreciate the fact that you have three boys under the age of ten living there, and they have lots of energy; but that's why God conveniently placed a park less than three blocks away, complete with swings and monkey bars. If these thuds, crashes, screams, and other loud noises continue to disturb me, I have an entire bottle of ether, and I know how to use it.

Hugs & Kisses,

Your Downstairs Neighbour

(Ah, more things that go through my head that I wish I had the balls to actually say.)

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Black or White

The Michael Jackson trial started today, and I don't normally find any interest in celebrity legal crap; but what I find so strange about this particular trial is how adamant everyone is to convict him. As I was telling Abby earlier, I'll admit Michael Jackson is somewhat of an oddity. And if he's found guilty, I hope justice is served and he pays for this horrible crime. But we're only one day into the trial and people are ready to send him to the gallows. I thought the way the system works is that one is innocent until proven guilty. It really wouldn't surprise me if the family of this boy is just out for money. What's sad is even if that is the case, Michael Jackson is ruined. Nobody could recover from this. It makes me want to be a lawyer.