Sunday, October 23, 2005


At the club last night...

Me: How you doin'?
Allison: Fine.
Me: I'm Curtis.
Allison: My name's Allison. Nice to meet you.
Me: You, too.
Allison: I like your tattoo.
Me: Thanks. Do you have any?
Allison: Uh-huh. (Shows me tattoo on her back.)
Me: Very nice.
Allison: Thanks. Do you have any more?
Me: Yep. (Lifts up shirt to reveal tattoo on left side.)
Allison: Wow! I can really feel the energy flowing from this one.
Me: (Blink. Blink.) Um, well, it was nice meeting you.
Allison: You, too.
Me: (Walks far, far away.)

1 comment:

freethoughtguy said...

Why did you walk away?