Sunday, June 29, 2008


I spent most of yesterday working on my yard, doing chores around my house, and running errands. Around five-ish, I took a shower and was getting ready to make some social calls to see if anything was going on. Just as I grabbed my phone, my doorbell rang. It was my neighbour, carrying a big trimmer and asking if I wanted my hedges trimmed. I attempted this last weekend with a pair of hand trimmers, but the results were less than spectacular. I figured the big power trimmers would do a much better job, so I accepted his offer.
Afterward, he asked if I'd like a beer, which I also accepted. One beer turned into four, and we had a nice conversation. It was then I realised, perhaps I judged him too harshly. Admittedly, it's a little intimidating living next door to my superintendent, and I have the tendency to be a little nervous around him. But I also believe he's genuinely trying to be a cool neighbour, so I've vowed to try to relax and appreciate his friendship a little more. Especially when he offers me beer.

1 comment:

Nick said...

Remember how you're in Italy and I'm in Utah? That sucks for me. How are you, friend?