Friday, June 13, 2008

Sabato & Domenica

It's been raining here a lot lately, making things humid and hazy. But after some rain this morning, things cleared up and cooled off. There was a breathtaking view of the mountains with the sun setting behind them, and the air felt so fresh. The only downside is that I'm working all weekend. When working weekends, there's a lot of downtime between rounds, so I'll probably take some books to work, my computer, and of course, my Italian lessons. It's a 12-hour shift that goes by rather slow.
On top of that, I'm kinda sick. Not throwing-up sick, but a little feverish, alternating between chills and hot flashes, with a slight cough. I just got home, so I'm going to hop in the shower, take some 800 mg horse-size pills of Motrin, and try to get a good night's rest. Take that, illness!

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