Sunday, April 29, 2007

Swat Team

There were bugs. Lots and lots of bugs. My arms look like I have a case of the measels or something.
But I should start from the beginning. As I mentioned, I was in Florida for the past week participating in an Air Force exercise known as "Silver Flag." It's for airmen in more support-oriented skills (i.e. civil engineering, services, communications, etc.) to help prepare for war-time taskings. I've been dreading this trip ever since I found out I was going, but it really wasn't too bad.
We stayed in cabins that looked like something out of an 80s teen horror flick. We spent the first four days in class, getting refresher training on our contingency assets. Thursday was an all-day exercise that went surprisingly well. We only spent an hour in our gas masks, and each exercise input went off without a hitch. The instructors had high marks all around for our class, which made us all very happy.
Class each day only lasted from 7 AM to 4 PM. We weren't allowed to leave the site, so there was lots of card-playing and reading. Plus, I got at least nine hours of sleep each night. I ate nothing but MREs all week, meaning I probably won't poop for at least a month. The weather was gorgeous the whole time, except for a quick thunderstorm Thursday night, which ended up being a blessing because it forced an early end to the exercise.
But here's where my story gets a little hard-to-swallow. I didn't take a single picture the whole time. I had my camera in my bag, but failed to take it out even once. I know, I know... This isn't like me at all, but for some reason, the whole thing just slipped my mind. I know I promised pictures, and I apoligise; but honestly, there wasn't much to see. There were lots of tall pine trees, and me in uniform. And, of course, the bugs. That's about it.
Anyway, I'm home now, and I'm so glad to be taking a shower by myself and sleeping in my own bed tonight. Both of which I'm going to do right now.

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