Saturday, April 21, 2007

Even As I Left...

I leave for Florida tomorrow at 7 AM, and tonight, besides packing, I'll be going to Ryan's birthday party at Brian's house. It's probably going to be an all-nighter. Even if the party isn't, the packing will be. I won't be able to post while I'm there, but I'll have my camera, so there will be lots of pictures by next Sunday.
To keep everyone entertained until then, there's this:
UPDATE: Sorry, but every time I went to my blog, that damn video would start. If you'd like to see it, you can go here. Thanks for your understanding.
I like Will Ferrell okay, but I like him a lot when he's more subdued (a la Stranger Than Fiction). He's great here with that white-man's-afro thing going on. And that little girl is priceless!
See ya in a week...

1 comment:

J-Dubb said...

I went to Tyndel for a couple weeks when I was stationed at Luke.