Friday, March 31, 2006

Lone Boarder

Mountain Ghosts
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.
I test for Tech tomorrow. Most shops will give you the day off before you test. Not really to study, but just to be stress-free and kind of mentally relaxed.
The best way for me to relax is to go boarding. So I did. I took these pictures on the way up to Snowbasin. I love it when low-lying clouds creep over the mountains like ghosts. So cool looking.

Mountain Ghosts
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.

Originally uploaded by currtdawg.
Snowbasin got eight inches of snow last night, and the conditions were some of the best I've ever seen. I got to the lift at 9:30 and rode until 3:30, stopping only to pee. Boarding is one of those things that's better with friends, especially friends who board at about the same level. But having to go by myself isn't going to prevent me from going altogether.

Originally uploaded by currtdawg.
Around 11-ish, some clouds rolled in, and the visibility at the peak was next to nothing. The worst part about the fog is that I have horrible depth perception, and it's difficult to tell how fast I'm going. On the other hand, I can ride past hot girls and goose them, and they have no clue who it was. Not that I would ever do that. I'm just sayin'.

Originally uploaded by currtdawg.

Originally uploaded by currtdawg.
Luckily, the clouds didn't linger too long. It slowly cleared up, and I regained confidence in my speed.
I was taking a few of these pictues while on the lift, and I accidentally dropped my glove. Retrieving it was rough, as it was in some serious back country with hella deep powder, but I ended up really loving it.

Originally uploaded by currtdawg.
Being Thursday, there weren't many people on the mountain at all. I took as many opportunities as I could to go on trails that hadn't been groomed or tracked out by anyone else. I bit it pretty hard several times (even flipping head-over-heels twice!), but the powder was so deep, it was like landing on a cloud.

Me at Snowbasin
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.
One of the coolest things about today was that one time I happened to be riding the gondola with Valerie Plame and her husband, Joseph Wilson. You might remember her as the CIA agent whose name was leaked to the press after her husband made remarks criticising the war in Iraq. Of course, I'm sure there are several sides to that story, and this isn't a post about politics. Regardless, it was cool to share a gondola ride with someone who was a staple of all the 24-hour news networks for a while.

1 comment:

Homie said...

Look at you, rubbing elbows.
Good luck with that test tomorrow.