Thursday, March 30, 2006


The more I think about it, the more interested I am in the term "fundamentalist," especially when it comes to one's faith. You'd think it refers to someone who has taken his or her beliefs back to the basics, without any influence from modern culture. If so, then why are so many "fundamentalist Christians" so full of judgment and intolerance when the fundamentals of Christ's teachings were just the opposite? These people seem to have taken their views to an extreme, skewed by politics, too radical for the balanced, evangelical Christian.
So I'm taking it back.
That's right. From now on, I consider myself a fundamentalist Christian. I've studied (and continue to study) the teachings of Christ. I believe He is the Son of God. I believe His death is necessary for my salvation. I believe His words are true and wise and I follow them to the best of my ability.
The fundamentals of Christ's teachings were loving everyone (including one's enemies), meekness, acceptance, humility, honesty, treating others with kindness and respect, and always putting God first. Nowhere does He ever say anything about killing those who disagree with you or denying basic human rights to those unjustly judged unrighteous. The words of Jesus are the basics of life. The rest is just details.

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