Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I'll touch that dial when I damn well please!

Being on swing shift includes a lot of driving in a work truck with no CD player, so I take in quite a bit of Italian radio. I know the stations that play American and British music, and each is programmed into the pre-sets accordingly. The only problem is that there aren't any stations that play this music exclusively. (Not that I'm complaining. I understand I'm in Italy, after all.) This results in a lot of station changing. There's quite a bit of variety, even on the same station. It's almost as if they don't have a single format, and will play anything from Britney Spears to The Clash to Frank Sinatra, sometimes back-to-back. I can usually tell within a couple seconds if I hear something familiar, so I've gotten pretty good at flipping without even looking at the radio. Most often, as is my luck, I turn to a great song just as it's ending.
But last night, I flipped to a station as an old familiar song was just beginning...

In my defence, I don't particularly like this song; it just brought back memories from when Garah used to make me watch this movie over and over when we were 7. (Why were we friends?) Gotta love the outfits, and those special effects at the end are amazing! Ah, the 80s.

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