Monday, July 21, 2008

Faking It

Have you ever called someone--sometimes in the morning, sometimes not--and it rings for a bit, and when he or she finally picks up, you hear some background noise, and finally, "MsupHwoyHello?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. We're you sleeping?"
" What's up?"
I always feel bad when I wake someone up, even if it's for something important. They might lie and say they weren't sleeping, but it's not hard to tell.
Conversely, I'm really good at totally disguising my sleepy voice. Even if I've been way off in dreamland, as soon as I hear the phone, I can answer as chipper as if I'd just got done running. It's one of my many hidden talents, and practical because I don't want anyone to feel bad for waking me up, especially when I probably should have been up hours before.

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