Thursday, February 16, 2006

Freedom Isn't Free

I like my job pretty well. Really, I do. I feel productive and usually have a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. I'm challenged by the projects that come across my desk. I interact with several different people on a daily basis. I can even handle all the bullshit the Air Force sends my way. However, there's one particular aspect of my job that I absolutely despise. And that is called "stand-by." The way it works is, the guy on stand-by has to carry around an extra phone for a week, and is on call 24/7 in case of any emergencies. I know, technically, being in the military, I'm on call 24/7 anyway, but for all practical purposes, my job is from 6 AM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday. When I'm on stand-by, it's like carrying around this ball and chain that keeps me from doing anything fun or going anywhere more than 15 minutes away.
I went into work on Monday and saw my name on the stand-by list beginning tomorrow. I immediately tried to find someone who would take it for me. It's not uncommon for someone to pay someone else to take stand-by for them, and I've done that every time I've had stand-by since I've been in Utah. I hate it THAT MUCH. And since this is a three-day weekend, I had to pay a little more than normal. I'm not going to get into specifics, but let's just say it was a three-digit number.
So, yeah, my wallet may be a little empty this weekend, but, by golly, I'm going to enjoy it to the fullest.


Homie said...

Three digits? That's hard core avoidance.

Anonymous said...

yeah currt I have to work this weekend.

David McLaughlin said...

Do yo thing boy!