Friday, April 08, 2005

A Little Deeper, P.S. -or- We don't need no hateration.

You know, I was going to leave well enough alone, but apparently that wasn't good enough for a few people. In particular, people who like to write hate mail. And I mean, A LOT OF HATE MAIL. Here are a few things I heard:
"You're a shallow, weak coward."
"I can't believe you really think you love Jesus."
"You can't be liberal AND Christian."
"Why do you feel the need to express these ridiculous views?"
"Your opinions are in danger of leading true Christians astray."
Golly gee! I sure never meant any harm to all the true Christians out there in Internet-Land. However, I'm sure I've made it clear that everything expressed here at "the wax" is all my opinion. There are thousands of ways to interpret the Word of God. Never once did I say my interpretation was the right one or the best one or the only one.
But to answer the questions of all my little fans, I'll tell you why I felt the need to express my views. The main verse I'll reference is 2 Timothy 1:7. "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self discipline." I don't feel the need to validate or explain my faith, but I don't hesitate to share it. I think God appreciates it when we have the balls to express all the facets of who we are, especially when it's an aspect of our faith. I think God wants us to delve into why we believe what we do. I think God wants us to question authority and not just blindly accept what's laid before us.
By the way, I would like to thank all the supporting comments and e-mails I got. Actually, there were a lot more positive ones than negative ones, but like all things, the negative ones always seem hit the hardest. I also want to thank those that opted to "agree to disagree." There are as many opinions in this world as there are people. A couple great passages to look up are Romans 14 and 1 Corinthians 1:10-13. There's enough bitching in the world already, and I'm not trying to cause any dissent. But as Christians, we need to be more concerned with spreading Christ's love and less concerned with arguing about stupid crap like who can marry whom. If you're just going to read "the wax" with the intention of getting all excited and trying to upset me, then I ask that you please refrain. I author this weblog to let my friends and family read about what's going on in my life and how I'm growing as a person and as a Christian. I can say one thing for sure: it's been one helluva ride. Much love to all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so currt-dawg once more I have to agree with you on this subject, as you know from the past history on my blog lol it's like why do people feel the need to attack you on your journal or through emails or attack those people that are important to you, its your life your opinion if they don't like it tell them not to read your blog anymore right...that bottle of hateraid that got passed around needs to be done with already. Talk to you later.