Friday, April 15, 2005

Battle Rattle

Whew! Am I glad that's over! I just spent the past three nights (plus a few hours tonight) at the Base Operations Readiness Training Area, or BORTA, for a base exercise. I guess it was pretty typical as far as exercises go, which is basically saying it's RETARDO! The whole point is to get us ready for real world deployments, but I've never been through an exercise that even comes close to mimicking what goes on in the desert. In the magical exercise world, we get these wonderful warnings before we get mortared. If only we could be so lucky in the desert.
I was working 12 hour nights, which, after signing in and signing out, somehow became a 15 hour shift. We went in tonight for a couple hours before the exercise ENDEXed, then stuck around for a couple more hours to start tearing down the camp. Unfortunately, we have to go in to work tomorrow, as well. A lot of people were really upset about it, but it doesn't bother me too bad. I figure it will just help me get back on a normal sleeping schedule. Regardless, I know I'm going to be up most of the night. I'm getting ready to go to the gym and try to run off some energy. Then I might have myself a beer or something, in the hopes it will mellow me out. If I'm lucky, I'll be asleep by 3 or 4. I'm just going to try to keep myself occupied all day tomorrow, so I'll be way tired tomorrow night. I'm also going to make another attempt to go boarding on Saturday, which will definitely keep me awake all day and put me to sleep that night.
Anyway, I'm gonna go run now. Take care. No worries. God Bless.

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