Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Like Swiss Cheese

My Biopsy
Originally uploaded by currtdawg
I went to the dermatologist in Trieste today for my biopsy. I was joined by MSgt Hammes, my supervisor, because he had to see the doctor, as well. It's about a 90 minute drive to Trieste, and our appointments were only an hour apart, so we decided to ride together.
The doc gave me a local anaesthetic on the underside of my right forearm, and then proceeded to cut out a small, circular piece of skin. After that, he sewed me up with two stitches. It was quick, and I didn't feel a thing; but I made the mistake of looking down during the procedure. Seeing him pull a needle through my flesh like he was Betsy Ross made me a little nauseated and very light-headed. Luckily, my appointment was first, so I had a little time to recover before having to drive back home.

Trieste Coast
Originally uploaded by currtdawg
Doug and I had no intentions of going back to work today, so we decided to hang out in Trieste for a while. Trieste is on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, and right at the border between Italy and Slovenia. It has a very rich history, and, before World War I, was part of Austria and one of the most important ports in Europe.

Miramare Castle
Originally uploaded by currtdawg
After lunch at a seaside restaurant, we strolled up the boardwalk to Miramare Castle, one of Trieste's most popular sights.

Miramare Castle
Originally uploaded by currtdawg
The tour cost ten Euro, so we decided to skip it and just walk around the grounds, which were spectacular. After that, we headed back to the car. It was very warm, and I guess all the Italians took the day off or something because they were all out sunbathing by the water. And let me just say, there was no shortage of banana hammocks or 70-year-old boobs flopping around. But I guess that's what experiencing Europe is all about.


Letty Cruz said...

...ouch -- anyway, hope all's well, just shouting-out because this is I think the 3rd time you're on the lists of other people I have favorite books, movies, or music in common with. Take care :)

Anonymous said...

So, let me get this straight... you have a camera, and there are boobs, yet no pictures? I dont care if they are 70 yrs old. A boob is a boob and I want to see these boobs!--Drew

Bildozer said...

after reading the 70 year old boob and bananna hammock thing i just want to know one thing, how exactly do you spell the sound made during vommitting(sp)?