Sunday, October 24, 2004

Rapid Eye Movement

When I was in Iraq earlier this year, I was having some crazy dreams, so, as a little experiment, I decided to start logging them in a little notebook each morning. Yesterday, I was rummaging through my bedroom and happened upon this little notebook, and boy, did I have some whacked out dreams!
So, anyway, I've decided to start a second blog devoted entirely to archiving my dreams. I'm going to do my best to update it on a daily basis, but this probably won't happen because: A) I don't remember my dreams every night, and B) I'm occasionally rushed in the mornings. However, I will do my best, so please be patient.
Now, before you go off reading into my brain and stuff, there are a few disclaimers and things you should know. I don't plan on editing ANYTHING. There is some seriously fucked up shit going on in my head that sometimes manifests itself in my dreams. These dreams are just random electric impulses, and I can't really control them. You're likely to read about some very evil and/or deviant behavior (violence, cruelty, voting Republican, etc.). Does this mean that I, too, will act this way when awake? Of course, not! You're also likely to read about some extremely strange, uh, shall we say, sexual dealings. Well, you know what? I'm human, and we're all sexual beings. And, I'm sure there will be sporadic homoeroticism, as well; but I'm sure if you were all totally honest with yourselves, you'd probably admit to similar urges, or dreams pertaining to such things, from time to time. So, don't freak out! If you have any questions, please grow a pair and ask me. I'd rather not have people gossiping about me or the Air Force Office of Special Investigations knocking on my door requesting I go and answer some "questions." One more thing: I seriously doubt anyone reading this is a licensed therapist or anything of the sort, so please don't offer any kind of advice based on what you've read unless I ask for it. The last thing I need is someone coming up to me and saying, "Well, Curtis, in your dream you were walking through the Sahara Desert eating pine cones and talking to Linda Ronstadt while shoving cashews up your butt, so I've come to help you with your obvious feelings of abandonment and strong desires of beastiality." As I said before, these visions in my brain are random electric impulses. I take my dreams with a grain of salt, and you should, too.
I guess that's about all I have to say about that. To get to my dream blog, you can go to, or, you can go to my profile, which lists both of my blogs at the bottom. Remember, my dreams are for entertainment purposes only. I'm taking a big risk by letting you all into my head. Don't make me regret it. Thanks.


David McLaughlin said...

Hey Curtis, Just letting you know that I am totally excited to read the dream stuff, dreams are TOTALLY cool. Your brave and I'm glad your brave 'cause this is cool. Way to go bro:)

Trish said...

You may be depressed since we left too. I hope that you are back in the groove by this time. I, too, look forward to your dlog...