Friday, October 15, 2004


Originally uploaded by currtdawg.
You know, sometimes I hear these extremely close-minded people say the Bible speaks against tattoos; however, I really don't think God has a problem with this one I got earlier tonight. If my body is a temple, then my tattoos are merely the stained glass windows.
I'd like to send a special shout-out of thanks to Jimmy and Caleb for sticking with me through this rather painful experience. I've gotten tattoos before, but nothing could prepare me for when that needle went over my spine. Ouch! If any of you are interested in getting a tattoo and happen to be in the Misawa area, I'd be happy to set you up with Yoshi, the nice young man responsible for this beautiful adornment on my back. Please, let me know what you think...unless you don't like it. It's not like I can just get it taken off, alright?
Anyway, my body has been through quite an ordeal today, so I'm going to hit the sack. Take care. No worries. God Bless.

1 comment:

Mike C said...

I FINALLY got that...