Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Worth Every Penny. (Or maybe not.)

I led a project this morning to dig up a broken fire hydrant. It had been leaking for a while, and the ground was saturated, leaving everything we dug out in a big, sloppy pile of mud.
Steven and Bill came out to see how things were going. On a whim, I said to Steven, "I'll give you all the money in my wallet if you do a big belly flop in the mud."

Originally uploaded by currtdawg
Without even thinking about it, he took off his shirt and jumped in the deepest, sloppiest part. None of us could believe it.

Originally uploaded by currtdawg
Steven took it like a champ, including all the scat jokes that inevitably followed. It took him the whole lunch hour to clean up and change uniforms, but he didn't complain at all.
I'm not even gonna tell you how much was in my wallet because I'd hate for everyone's heads to simultaneously explode. But I wasn't gonna pussy out, either. Let's just say he's is gonna have a great time at Oktoberfest next weekend.

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