Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Laying Low

We started an exercise on base today, which, normally, would be a huge pain in the butt. But this is Aviano, so things are just a little strange, compared to normal bases. Fortunately for my shop, it works to our advantage. We still have to haul our gear around with us, but there are areas of the base off-limits to the exercise, so those are the areas in which we've been hovering. I made the brilliant suggestion last week that we schedule all our jobs in no-play areas for this week--something the bosses totally agreed with. Also, our shop is in a non-play area, and I have quite a bit of office work to finish, which also works to my advantage.
The whole exercise is only three days long, so even if we were more involved, it wouldn't be that bad. Regardless, it's still gonna make for a long week. I'm just glad I don't work directly on the flighline, as those guys have it pretty rough.

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