Saturday, December 18, 2004

That pear tree TOTALLY has a partridge in it!

It's been a rather exciting past few days. Thursday night was my squadron Christmas Party. I guess I had really high expectations or something, because it was fun, but not THAT fun. Jimmy and Amy went with me, and they both said they had a good time, so that makes me happy. The big thing about Christmas Parties is the prizes. I won a little gift set of body scrub and lotion, so I gave it to Amy. I also won the centerpiece, which was a nice little poinsettia.
Last night was the NSGA Christmas Party, and Paul and Trish bought me a ticket. Jimmy went with Amy, so we had a nice showing from the Hospitality House crowd. Well, I started off early with mixed drinks. And I continued with mixed drinks. In fact, I got pretty liquored up.
Let me take a brief moment to talk about our prizes. First off, Jimmy won a bookshelf stereo. Then Amy won a mini-disc/mp3 player (but traded some guy for a portable DVD player), then I won a palm pilot, then Paul won a treadmill. We totally had the winningest table in the ballroom. I was proud of us. Let me rephrase that. I was drunkenly proud of us.
So, like I was saying, I had a lot to drink. Have you ever been out, and you start drinking, and then you totally lose track of how many drinks you've had, but you're moving around and feeling good, and you just don't care because you're having so much fun? Yeah, that was me last night. I'm not sure what time we left the club, but it was obvious I wasn't going to be driving anywhere. So I hopped in with Paul and Trish and they hauled me to their pad. We sat down and chatted for a while, and Paul gave me some pajama bottoms and t-shirt, and I went to sleep in their guest room. Let me rephrase that. I attempted to go to sleep in their guest room, but as soon as I lay down, that whole really annoying spinning thing started happening. I hate that. And you know and I know there's only one way to cure it. So I staggered to the bathroom and Mr. Finger met Mr. Gag-Reflex, and I rid myself of the spinning, so to speak. After that, I slept like a little drunken baby. The next morning, Paul cooked pancakes for us. I felt really horrible, because even though I rid myself of the spinning, I didn't really rid myself of the nausea. I managed to shove down two extremely small pancakes (we're talking nickel-size pancakes, here), and I felt bad that I couldn't eat more. But there was just no way. Then we sat around for a few more hours, watched a movie, and eventually made it to the BX to return our new prizes for what we really wanted - MONEY! Actually, I totally would have kept my palm pilot if it was compatible with Mac OS (Come on, people! We Mac users represent 5% of the home-computing world! Live in the now!). And Paul's treadmill wasn't big enough for him on which to run. I'm not sure what the grand total was for everything, but I ended up making $135. I gave the Dinki have the value of the palm pilot, since it was they who bought my ticket.
And so, let me just reiterate how much I love Paul and Trish. They bought me a ticket to their Christmas Party, totally took care of my drunken self, let me crash at their pad, and even made me pancakes the next morning. Yeah, definitely going to miss those two.
One more thing: I have some great pictures from the parties, but I've just about reached my upload limit on flickr, so I won't be able to post them until next month. But definitely check back, especially if you want to see me dressed up like a ROCK STAR (with eyeliner and all)!

1 comment:

Mike C said...

Sounds like it was way groovy. You might try using hello(.com) to post pictures, I don't know if they have any upload limits or not, but I want to see your pics!