Friday, December 24, 2004

39 1/2 Foot Pole

Yesterday, I got off work at 1:30, so I went home and showered, then Jimmy and I did some last minute Christmas shopping at the BX. What a madhouse! People everywhere. Long lines. Screaming children. After we finally got out of there, I just wanted to go home and lay on my couch, but I had to go over to alterations to get my measurements to send to Brad so he can order my tuxedo for his wedding. While I was in alterations, my cell phone rang, and it was Paul. He and Trish were next door in the furniture store and saw my car parked outside. So after I left alterations, I went into the furniture store to say "hi." I know I've explained before how much I love Paul and Trish, but it's rare for someone to have such power over me to be able to turn my mood completely around, especially with just a quick chat.
In a somewhat related story, today is Christmas Eve, and this morning I, along with the rest of the Praise Team, was invited to Chaplain Sackett's house for brunch. It was one of those things where you're asked to do something, and you don't really think about it. You just say, "yes," but you really don't want to go. You just kinda want to blow it off. Well, I figured that I should go anyway, even though I don't really know Chaplain Sackett or his family or, except for Jimmy and Caleb, even any of the other people on the Praise Team. I'm friendly with them, but they're barely more than acquaintences. Jimmy went with me, and we were the first ones to show up, which was a little unnerving. But as soon as we walked into the house, and were greeted with such big smiles, I was glad I showed up. The Sacketts have five children and another on the way. They live in base housing, but you can tell it's a house filled with love. The others showed up soon after we did, and as we were all hugging and wishing each other a Merry Christmas, I had a nice warm feeling inside.
I know most people will say when we celebrate Christmas, we're celebrating the birth of Christ, and that's all very true. But to me, Christmas is just about being together. Love. Relationships. Family. And when I say "family," I mean everyone I love, not just blood relatives. One of the reasons Jesus came to Earth was to really be with us. Giving gifts and singing carols is great and all, but just being with all the people I love is the best part of Christmas for me. Tonight, we're going to have our annual Hospitality House Christmas Eve All-Nighter, and I'm going to do my best to hug everyone as much as possible. I've spent too many Christmases in the desert, and I'll never take for granted any of the time I get to spend with my family. I love those people.

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