Saturday, April 22, 2006

Things I wanted to say to the guy who was cutting my hair yesterday, but didn't:

"You've gone over that same spot at least 37 times. It's not going to get any shorter that way."

"Should I be concerned that your eyes are pointing in two different directions?"

"I can't really hear what you're saying when the clippers are buzzing right next to my ear."

"Are you purposefully trying to make me bleed?"

"Actually, just stop talking altogether."

"Ouch. Ouch! OUCH!"

1 comment:

Kerry said...

good on you for actually coming up with a dialogue with your hairdresser!...i usually have the "oh my gosh, do i really look like that??!" self-loathing dialogue with myself when at the hairshop. in fact, that's why some girls let their hair grow long.maybe. maybe it's just me. vininegar.;)