Wednesday, April 05, 2006

$elf Control

I've discovered I have an addiction. No, it's not the binge drinking in which I took part last week. It's not snowboarding, though that comes close. It could be sweets, but that's not what I'm talking about here.
My addiction is spending money. I rarely go a single day without buying something, almost always something I don't need. I go out for lunch, when it would be just as easy to bring something from home. I walk through the mall and feel worthless if I leave empty-handed. There are rumours of a new video iPod coming out, and I'm concerned about the lengths to which I might go to get one.
The worst part is that I'm really good at rationalising whenever I reach for my wallet. I think, "Don't worry, Curtis. You're still saving and giving and you might die tomorrow so if you don't enjoy this beer with your friends while wearing those new pants from Banana, you'll regret it. So spend away!"
I've always been able to find balance in this area. I guess my scale is just tipping a little bit too far to one side. If you happen to see me at the Apple Store or Pottery Barn or Armani/Exchange anytime soon, you have my permission to drag me out by any means necessary.

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