Sunday, April 18, 2004

Yep, so things are going pretty smoothly here in Iraq. I've gotten myself into a pretty good routine. I get up and go to work everyday at 4:45. I'm done around 2 or 2:30, then I go for a run at the gym, then shower, then hang out or read for the rest of the evening. The stress has gone down, and I'm not as homesick anymore. Last Sunday's Chapel service went pretty well. We had a rehearsal last night, and this week should be even better. I'm still having strange dreams, and I think one day in the not too distant future, I'm gonna read my dream journal and laugh for a really long time. Oh, there's one really cool thing I've been forgetting to mention. Before I came over here, I'd heard that this base was really close to the ancient city of Ur (the supposed birth place of Abraham) and this really old building called the Ziggurat. Well, it turns out that the base is right on top of all that stuff. I walk out the door of my shop and see the Ziggurat. They offer tours over there, but I haven't had the chance to go yet. I'll be sure and take lots of pictures when I do. The whole mustache situation is proceeding according to schedule. I now have hair on my upper lip, and I think it looks pretty retardo. But, I told Brad I'd do this, and now it's just become a big joke. I'm avoiding all cameras like the plague in the hopes that no one outside of this country will ever see me like this. I'm trying to e-mail people as much as I can, but computer time here is limited. I thank you all for your prayers. Take care. No worries. God Bless.

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