Saturday, May 31, 2003

We have a departure date of July 2nd, and I'm pretty excited about it. At first, I was going to take leave en route in the States before I went back to Misawa. Now, however, I've changed my mind.

Here are the pros for taking leave en route:
1) Get to see friends/family sooner.
2) Home by the 4th of July.
3) Surprise family.
4) Save lots of $$$.

Here are the pros for going back to Misawa first:
1) Won't have to carry my chem gear home with me.
2) Don't have to give up 2 free weeks off work.
3) Brother and friends will be gone on sailing trip for most of July.
4) Can be sure my Mom will get time off work while I'm home.
5) Will be able to go to the Mt. Fuji retreat.

So, yeah, the kicker is getting to go to Fuji. I'm way excited. I told my Mom today that she was just going to have to wait an extra month for me to come home. She was a little disappointed, but she was cool about it. She's just glad I'll be out of the desert. And I am, too!

I'm going downtown tomorrow with Melissa, Ann, Mikey T., Buddy Ling, and Mike White. We're just going to get a room at the Ritz and lay by the pool all day long. It should be quite relaxing.

Okay, I'm gonna go to bed now. No worries. God Bless.

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