Friday, June 27, 2003

Excerpt from "Your God Is Too Small" by J.B. Phillips:

It is, of course, a very big step intellectually (and emotionally and morally as well, it will be found) to accept this famous figure of history as the designed focusing of God in human life. It is not made any easier by the clinging mass of sentimentality, superstitious reverence, and traditional associations which surround Him. It is emphatically not an easy matter for the honest modern mind to pierce the accretions and irrelevancies and see the Person, the Character--particularly as the records, though they have been examined far more closely than any other historic documents, are undeniably meagre. Further, many people who have a vague childish affection for a half-remembered Jesus, have never used their adult critical faculties on the matter at all. They hardly seem to see the paramount importance of His claim to be God. Yet, if, for one moment, we imagine the claim to be true, the mind almost reels at its significance. It can only mean that here is Truth, here is the Character of God, the true Design for life, the authentic Yardstick of values, the reliable confirming or correcting of all gropings and inklings about Beauty, Truth, and Goodness, about this world and the next. Life can never be wholly dark or wholly futile if once the key to its meaning is on our hands.

And that is just one paragraph. The whole book is amazing. I read parts of it and my mind just tumbles over itself trying to take it all in.

So the news just keeps getting better and better. We found out today that instead of leaving on the 2nd of July, we're now leaving on the 1st. It doesn't change any of my other travel plans. I'll just stay in Baltimore an extra day before heading home on the 4th. The best part is just that we're leaving this place a little earlier. Woo-hoo!!!

So, I probably won't be able to sleep very well tonight. Lately, I've been so excited about going home, that my thoughts go crazy each night while I'm laying in bed, causing a slight case of insomnia. So, yeah, I'm gonna get outta here and try to get some shut-eye. No worries. God Bless.

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