Thursday, October 21, 2010

Heavy Breather

The Air Force has adopted new, stricter PT standards this year, and today, I had my first PT test under these new standards. I have to admit I was a little nervous I'd even pass at all. I wasn't concerned about my waist measurement or my run, but there are now minimum requirements for push-ups and sit-ups, and strength has never been my, um, strength.
I've been doing push-ups and sit-ups on my own for the past couple months, trying to get my numbers up. And today, when I went to the assessment cell, not only did I meet the standards, I exceeded them.
My run time was 10:59--by far my fastest run time ever. My final score was an 89.7--also my best ever. The frustrating thing is, we have Italian civilians administering our tests, for some reason, and they're really harsh on push-up form. As I was doing my push-ups, there were a few I think he should have counted that he didn't count, and if I'd have gotten just one more push-up, I would have scored above a 90, which would mean that I wouldn't have to PT test again for another year. Scores below a 90 re-test in six months. Still, I'm thrilled with how I did, and it's definitely something I won't worry about as much in the future.

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