Sunday, September 23, 2007

Cult of Technology

Back in the late 90s, when cellular phones were becoming less expensive and more a part of society, I refused to get one. I thought they were unnecessary and rude. When I went to Japan, I justified getting one because a) it was cheaper than getting a phone in my house, and b) I didn't want to be lost in the middle of nowhere and unable to read the road signs. Now I'm back in the States, and I couldn't live without one. I was halfway to the gym this morning and realised I'd left it on my bed. I considered turning around to get it. What if someone important called? What if there was an accident and had to call the police? What if I got a funny text message from someone and I wasn't there to read it? I kept my sanity and resisted the urge to go back home. But it's ridiculous how reliant upon my phone I am. Without it, I wouldn't know anyone's phone number or be able to send silly pictures to friends or play sudoku whenever I want. I mean, how did the cavemen survive?

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