Saturday, February 03, 2007

Pre-Departure Punchdrunk

Brian & Jeff
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.
A long time ago, I promised to put up photos of the good time we had on the night before I left. Well, finally, here they are.

Gabby, John, Kyle, & Mike
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.
It was Sunday night of Labour Day weekend, and the city seemed pretty dead. After dinner, we went to a bar Ryan recommended called "Cheers To You." It was small, but what it lacked in size, it made up for in character.

Doug & Me
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.
We had a great time playing pool and doing shots.

Ryan & Ryan
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.

John, Angie, & Me
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.

Doug, Kyle, & Mike
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.

Amy, Me, & Wendy
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.
Even Amy and Wendy came down, which was so cool. I guess it's only fair since I'm basically paying most of their salary.

Me, Doug, & Ryan
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.
Did I mention we did lots of shots?

Kyle, Mike, & Ryan
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.

John & Me
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.
Memories of that night are a little fuzzy. I'm not sure if that's because it was five months ago, or if it's an indication of how much I drank. What I do remember is how hung over I was the next day on the plane. But it was totally worth it. Thanks again, you guys.

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