Saturday, April 29, 2006

Friday Frolic

Me & Rob
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.
Last night was FUN! First, Tavia, Mica, Jeff, Matt, Nick, Ryan, and I went to this place in SLC called The Bayou. They had great food and more varieties of beer than I've ever seen. I even got a free t-shirt with my year-long membership.
Afterward, to follow tradition, we went to Brian & Ryan's. I know all these pictures of us hanging out there are probably getting old, but it's so much fun and I want to be able to read about this and reminisce when I'm old and decrepit.

Mikey & Katie
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.

Jeff & John
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.

Something interesting about our group is how many Ryans there are. (Well, maybe it's not THAT interesting, but it's kinda odd.) So whenever anyone mentions a Ryan, they always have to signify which one using an adjective. For instance, we have Lil' Ryan, Bald Ryan (shown here on the far left), Lawyer Ryan (second from the right), Roommate Ryan, Gay Ryan, and the list goes on...

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