Thursday, March 16, 2006

Silver Lining

Originally uploaded by currtdawg.
David Gray was supposed to play Salt Lake City last October. He cancelled last minute due to illness. This ended up being a blessing in disguise because when he rescheduled, I got a much better seat.
The opening act was Aqualung. I'm not really too familiar with them (which is actually a him, Matt Hales), except for their first single, which was extremely overplayed on VH-1. Regardless, they sounded great and had some amusing comments between songs.

David Gray
Originally uploaded by currtdawg.
David Gray is a brilliant singer/songwriter whose style is mostly acoustic with nice, well-placed electronic enhancements and beats. He writes some great, bare-bones, honest songs about love, and, as luck would have it, puts on a helluva show.
Not only was he well-dressed, but he was very animated, and reacted great with the audience. The first half of his set was made up mostly of selections from his newest album, "Life in Slow Motion," but he eventually tossed in songs from his entire catalogue. And one of the most impressive parts of his show was his drummer. It was amazing how he kept up with break beats that were, when recorded, usually created by a drum machine.
David played for nearly two hours, then came back out for a five song encore which included a haunting cover of Tim Buckley's "Song to the Siren." This was the first show I've seen this year, and it was a great way to start things off.


Anonymous said...

Curtai!! What it is? Man, I was looking for Misawa people on myspace, but couldn't find any, so I resorted to Google. Nice blog man. I looked at some of the past posts. It's crazy seeing all those pictures of the hospitality house with different people and furniture. Anyways, I'll send you an e-mail.

freethoughtguy said...
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freethoughtguy said...

I saw David Gray last Sunday in Oakland. Great and intense show ... and yes, the drummer rocked!