Saturday, September 10, 2005

So you want to be entertained?

"The Woods"

I've been a pretty big Sleater-Kinney fan since 1997. I had read a lot about their album "Dig Me Out," and decided to buy it. I listened to it on repeat for pretty much my entire first drive from Kentucky to Vegas. Since then, I've purchased all seven of their albums and loved every one.
Their latest was released in May, and it represents a big departure for the trio. Previously, they rocked out riot-grrrl style with politically charged punk anthems. With this record, they're on a new label with a new producer, and it seems like they've been listening to a lot of old Zeppelin. You'd think going from punk to classic rock would be awkward, but Carrie, Corin, and Janet handle it with ease. So well, in fact, that it makes their previous albums sound dated. Every track is spectacular, though highlights include the rambunctious "What's Mine Is Yours" and "Rollercoaster." "The Woods" isn't an easy listen, but it's a rewarding one.

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