Thursday, February 10, 2005

The Grind

Today was my first official day at work. True, I didn't really do any actual work. It was mostly a bunch of in-processing appointments, as will be most of the next two weeks. Regardless, I met most of the guys in my shop, and they all seem pretty cool. I'm just desperate to get all my stuff situated and get into a normal routine for a while.
So much has changed in the States since I was last here. Case in point: everyone is so accessible. Everyone has cell phones, and with cell phones, there's really no such thing as long distance. It's just weird that I can talk to anyone I know over here anytime. Today, I talked to Don in St. Louis and Meredith in Cincinnati. Yesterday, I talked to Jerry in Texas, Jimmy in Phoenix, and my parents in Kentucky. The day before that, I talked to Abby in Seattle and Melissa in Las Vegas. They weren't lying when they came up with that whole "global village" term.
I'd like to close by wishing myself a Happy Half-Birthday! I'm officially 30 1/2. I handled 30 with dignity and grace, but I'm not so sure about this other 1/2. I think my hearing will be gone soon, and any day now I could fall and break a hip.

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