Wednesday, December 08, 2004


I'm feeling really overwhelmed this week. Not because of how much I'm doing, but because of how much I'm getting ready to be doing. I still don't have my orders, which means I can't do any out-processing. But I know when I finally do get them in my hot little hand, all hell is going to break loose. Visiting pretty much every office on base, even ones that have nothing to do with me. Turning in bags and mobility equipment. Packing out household goods. Packing out unaccompanied baggage. Turning in FMO furniture. Cleaning my house. Painting my walls. Selling my truck. Ugh.
I'm already dreading saying my good-byes. I think about how great it would be to stay here longer, but then I think about how I felt the same way when I was leaving Vegas. I still miss Vegas sometimes, but I'd never trade anything for the experiences I've had and the friends I've made in Japan. I'm sure that's how I'll feel about Utah in a few months.
It's so hard to have faith sometimes. Faith that all this crap I have to do will get done. Faith that God will take care of me financially once I get to Utah. Faith that I'll meet lots of new and exciting people when I'll get there.
Pressing on. Running the race. Claiming the prize.

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