Thursday, September 16, 2004

Tossed To and Fro

What a stressful week! And I still have one more day to go. Work is crazy. And when I say "crazy," I mean, "karayzee!" I've been very productive, but it seems the more productive I am, the more work keeps getting piled on. Decorations. EPRs. Inventories. Training new troops. And on top of all my regular work, I'm in the process of applying for my cross-train and an out-of-cycle DEROS extension. I suppose I should explain a little about that last thing. Due to the fact I was originally supposed to leave Misawa in July, but I waited until the last minute to re-enlist, I have busted my DEROS (due date to leave), and now MPF and PACAF are trying to get me out of here by November. And since I was told a few months ago by MPF I shouldn't have a problem staying here until October of '05, you can see how I am a little bamboozled. So now, I'm having to run around like a headless chicken getting endorsements and checklists and signatures to try to get all this paperwork through so I can stick around for another year. Yeah, it's stressing me out, but I guess if I didn't have the hard times, I wouldn't be able to enjoy the fun times.
Other news: I got a new cell phone on Sunday. Jimmy came over Sunday afternoon, and, out of boredom, we decided to go shopping (which is the worst reason ever to go shopping). So, I ended up getting this phone that's insanely small, but it's so cool. Every time someone new sees it, they say, "Is that a phone?" Like it's some kind of toy that doesn't really work. Kinda funny.
More other news: We're officially re-opening the Hospitality House tonight. I'm pretty excited about it. We had a big meeting on Saturday to decide which nights to be open and what to do each night. The whole deal is going to be run by us. Apparantly, Cadence won't be able to put a new family in the House for a few months, maybe even a year, so we've been told by Cadence and the Chapel to go ahead and use it, but we will be responsible for all activities, clean-up, etc. We're going to have social night on Thursdays, large group Bible study on Saturdays, and dinner after Chapel on Sundays. We'll see how this goes for a while, and possibly change things around in the future depending on how everyone's needs are getting met. I'm really hoping and praying it all works out okay.
Anyway, I'm going to take a little 45 minute disco nap to try to get rid of some of today's stress. Take care. No worries. God Bless.

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